Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Madness

Long time, no blog! Once again, we have had another busy month and I have lagged on updating our blog.
We started the month by making a trip to Redding to visit Papa Peter and Grandma Shelly. As usual, we were spoiled with Shelly' s cooking from the time we arrived until we left. Even picky Mia ate and ate! The highlight of the weekend was the day we spent at the softball fields watching Papa Peter play. They had four-one hour games and Mia lasted through 3 1/2 of them. She had a fabulous time playing in the bleaches and eating the orange wedges that were really meant for our pitchers on Blue Moon! Mia was lucky enough to go onto the field to throw the ball around with her Papa. We were all sad to go home!!

The next week, Grandma Sandy came to the rescue! Since CA kids is still closed, we have been relying on Mia's wonderful babysitter to watch Mia when Dan is working and I am sleeping, but unfortunately she is not available on Thursdays. Our problem came when I had a dentist appointment, Dan was working and we didn't have anyone to watch Mia. Thank goodness, Grandma Sandy's project in India ended early so she was able to come home for a break. She so graciously agreed to drive up to Roseville to watch Mia for the afternoon. Mia was so lucky to have her Grandma take her to the park and play with her while Mom escaped to the dentist.

We had busy weekend throughout the month, one of which stated with Uncle Kevin's b-day party on Friday night at Chicago Fire Pizza in Midtown Sac. The pizza was really yummy and we had a great time celebrating with Uncle Kevin.
The weekend Saturday with Dan bottling the beer her brewed with his friends in February at Brew It Up in Sacramento. For his friend, Chris Hunter's, birthday, they brewed beer in mid February and the time had come for them to bottle it. Dan is very excited and proud of his creations! Following the bottling session, we join Uncle Kevin, Auntie Michelle, Cousin Kaiya, Grandma Sandy, Auntie Steph and Auntie Michelle's parents Suzanne and Brent for another dinner celebration for Kevin's b-day. As if this wasn't enough for one day, we then met up with my work friends for a night of bowling. We had a great turnout and it was great to hangout and relax with my coworkers, especially considering the stressful type of work we do! Mia had a great time running around with all the other kids and playing with the bowling balls!

As if that weren't enough for one weekend, we went to the Baxter's Annual St. Patrick's Day Party. The Baxter's are Grandma Shelly's brother and sister-in-law. We NEVER turn down an invitation to the Baxter's because they all come from Shelly's same gene pool, meaning they are all amazing cooks! Mia had fun playing with all her step cousins and her cousin Kaiya. We all enjoyed eating the corned beef and cabbage and I had my favorite green jello salad that Grandma Connie made. I look forward to Grandma Connie's jello at every holiday!

March has been filled with basketball for our family. We spent 2 evenings at basketball watching parties with neighbors. We love the NCAA basketball tournament and have had lots of fun following it and cheering for our brackets.

They say March is supposed to go "in like a lion and out like a lamb", but for our family it has been a lion all month and is exiting in that manner!

Today, I had my oral surgery that I have been putting off for 4 years. The bridge I had placed when I was 16 has a average lifetime of 10 years and I'm pushing 14 years with it. It says a lot for my old dentist, Dr. Simmons who placed it years ago. Anyways, the time has come to convert to a dental implant as the bridge is starting to show signs of wear. After elaborate scans and consultations to prepare for the procedure, I went today. Gram came up last night to help with Mia while I recover so Dan was able to take me to my appointment. In order to place my implant, the doctor first put me to sleep then surgically placed a titanium rod into the bone above where the tooth will be placed. I was super groggy and loopy for a few hours and took a big nap when I got home. I have some facial swelling and will probably have some pain when the local anesthetics wear off. Main problem right now is that I am missing a tooth! I go to the dentist tomorrow to have my temporary tooth placed...can't wait for that!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Visiting the Boschetti's

Ryan Boschetti is one of days oldest friends. Dan and Ryan grew up together from the time they were infants through their teen years. I have always loved hearing "Boschetti" stories and have felt empathy for their parents that put up with their shenanigans throughout the years. I'm sure their parents are relived that Dan and Ryan have both grown into fabulous men and amazing fathers! Ryan and his wife Somer had their first baby, Kali, in November of 2008, three months before we had our baby Mia. They recently had their baby boy, Jaiden, the beginning of February. Since Ryan has been playing football on the East Coast, we were able to have our first playdate for the kids in February. Mia and Kali had an instant attraction and played so well together. Kali was very generous sharing her toys with Mia.